Monday, August 22, 2011

Constant Prayer
There is a place of peace, where the weight of political arguments, economic distress, or personal problems and tragedy dissipates.  You are on your knees, or in your prayer closet, or wherever and whatever that place "in the garden" with the Father is and you pour out your heart to Him and you know in the deepest places of your soul that He hears you.  You know without a trace of doubt that He holds you in the palms of His hands and loves you as though you are the only one.  You are the apple of His eyes.  All the cares of this world no longer matter.  All the worries are gone.  Peace settles over you like an old, comfortable blanket, wrapping you up in His warmth.  And you know this is the place you need to be.  Here is what you were born for.  And surely, one day in His courts, in His arms, are better than a thousand elsewheres.  What more can you wish for?