Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Welcome - Again - to Down Home

Sat down a bit and let my mind wander from the stuff of business.  I’ve been pulled away from blogging here.  Not sure it really matters, because I’m not sure anyone really reads it.  Business has been rather slow.  It could pick up after the election results are in and we know where the country is going—wait.  I kind of liked wandering and wasn’t to keen on getting back on that stuff.

I’m almost fifty.  Been looking for a job to pull us through winter, but I’m getting the impression no one wants to hire anyone my age.  I’ve been reminded that a job, or business doesn’t really define who I am.  And I’m the culmination of all those fifty years, and it’s been a lot of accumulating!  I guess the reminiscing brings me back to my “down home.”  You have yours, and it’s probably different.  But it has molded us.  Some of it’s family and friends, and how they are wired, some is what we value, where we’ve been, what we’ve done.  Some of it might not be good…maybe even down-right shameful or maybe unfair.  The present that has preoccupied me so much lately has been uncomfortable.  Some of my past was too.  But worrying about it has taken too much of my time, and the meanderings of my mind bring me to the conclusion that there’s a lot there that is pretty darned good, both in the present and the past.  And probably the future will be okay.  The bumps have a way of working itself out, and when the present becomes the past, from what I’ve seen, it’s a lot easier to look there and see what’s good about it.

Closing in on fifty seems to be clarifying the fact that the stuff and the jobs aren’t as important to hang on to as the people who love you—or mildly like you!—and the good…your values, your good memories.  Be your most unique and random self, and have fun.  Love God, and love your family and friends.  Breathe.  Notice.  Live.

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