Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring is for Baby Fever!

My faverole hen, Tamera, has mommy fever!  She has been broody for about two weeks now, and I haven't been able to break her of it.  Typically you can take them out of the coop and lock it up for the day, and after doing this...probably a few days at least...they will come out of it.  So we are going to try to hatch eggs.  I have a friend in Decatur who is collecting fertilized eggs for me, and I'll pick them up on Sunday, Mother's Day.  (Isn't that cute?)  This will be our first time to try to hatch eggs so I'll keep you posted as we progress through the 21 days till they hatch.  In the meantime, I've been reading on the net, and one of the fascinating things I've read was that you can hear peeping a day or so before the chicks break through the eggs.  That will be so cool!  Since deciding to let her have some fertilized eggs, I've left her in the coop and everytime I get close she fluffs up her feathers at me, like in the picture, and cackles at me.  Sometimes she sounds like one of those little dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park movies!  Thankfully broodiness has not brought pecking, but then she's always been a fairly docile hen, who although doesn't like being picked up, will tolerate it when I finally catch her and sometimes will even snuggle against me.  I think she will be a great mom!  Happy Mother's Day, Tamera!

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