Friday, April 8, 2011

Eating on the Cheap

I think the recession has taught many of us how to live on less.  I know we certainly have.  If you plan carefully, you can save on the grocery bill.  For me, the best buys are generally at Walmart, who has recently pledged to cut prices on their fresh produce.  You can also take your ads from other stores and price match.  I found that usually if I waited on shopping a few days after the store ads came out, Walmart dropped their prices to be a penny or two under the advertised price anyway.  Usually what I do is make my list off of the store ads, separating each store's offerings on my list and also noting what page the bargain was on so I could find it easy at the check-out.  Generally speaking, I have found coupons not worth my time, because they are usually for quick, packaged products that I would not normally buy.  Sometimes I'll buy a little of that stuff to have on hand for busy days or snacking, but it seems that it is too pricey to buy all the time.  Cooking from scratch offers a better alternative.  You can save money.  Many times, when I am making supper or baking something special, one of the kids will wander in either to help or out of curiosity (Mom, what do I smell cooking?!).  That usually leads to conversation (my favorite perk!).  Cooking from scratch is usually better for you.  You control what oils you use and how  much salt goes in, for example.  Personally, I also enjoy my time perusing a cookbook and making my weekly menu and shopping list, usually savoring a cup of coffee or a cold glass of sweet tea.

Other things I do to save money is I tend to incorporate cheaper cuts of meat.  Steaks are only for special occasions and I only buy when there is a good price.  When I using big recipes, such as spaghetti sauce, that call for ground beef, I substitute one pound of ground turkey.  We usually have several meals using ground beef for the main dish, but in a variety of dishes.  Sometimes leftovers are put away in individual serving  containers to be microwaved for a lunch or late-night snack.  If leftovers do not lend themselves for that use, they are treats for our two dogs and the chickens, depending on whether it is a meat or produce.  (Just remember, dogs do not need chicken bones, chocolate, or raisins.)  My latest attempt to save money on groceries is that I have planted two tomato plants in a container.  The main things about vegetable gardening seems to be plant in plenty of sunshine and keep your plants watered.  Right now, one of the plants has four small green tomatoes!  I'll let you know how that comes out.

What ways do you save money on groceries?
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